Earth "Defense" Force- Complaints


Saiyan's used to have PRIDE. Being a Saiyan used to mean Elite Warrior Race. Now look at what we have become... Disgraceful they should all be ashamed!


Have these people ever heard of restraint? Have you ever considered NOT fighting in City Limits?!? My Property Taxes have skyrocketed! But of course you lazy freeloaders would know nothing about that.


I don't know what I did, but this guy kept threating to murder me... I was afraid to leave my house for a while. I just hope its safe to go outside again. I really miss my family.


Defund the EDF!! These guys SUCK!! I was just trying to get home and one of these IDIOTS smashes a dude into my car.... Not kidding... They picked him up and full on Hulk Smashed him into my car. Its insane they let these morons loose on the city.


Really?? Not a SINGLE Namek??? What are we not good enough for you? Oh I'm sorry we are not horrible RAGE MONSTERS like the rest of you...


I was "rescued" by one of the Saiyan's a few weeks back. It took me 5 Days and at least 20 showers to get the smell out. Awful... I don't even know why they felt the need to "save" me. I guess tripping on the sidewalk is dangerous.. Creep..

Siri type username

I tried to fight a bunch of them, but they just threw me in jail. Not sure what they meant, but it was pretty easy to leave. I went back home and a bunch of them ran into my house yelling about a break out or something. Idk I was pretty hungry.


You are NOTHING compared to the first Z-Fighters! I bet you uneducated fools actually think you are doing Good for the Planet. Please do us all a favor and GET REKKED!


These morons just keep dying over and over, coming to my planet asking about Kaioken. Who even uses that technique anymore?!? One after another crying about Spirit Bombs asking me to send messages to their friends. I AM A GO- *ahem* Not your personal communication device.


You have no idea what it's like to share a namesake with one of these monsters. He doesn't even try to act like a defender. It's like he only comes around to flip everyone off and yell at the people he's supposed to protect. Taunting your opponent while in the middle of a fight. Come on.. How low can you get? It's so bad the French Government wants to change OUR name.

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Editors Note: We apologize for the comment error. We contacted support to resolve the error, but we have not heard back in some time.